Ways to Shop

There are 2 ways to shop at MerryLove:

1. Make a Preorder

Preorders are purchases made through us directly to our trusted wholesale suppliers. Preorders combines many individual orders to make up the minimum quantity eligible for factory-price wholesale purchases and create cost-sharing for shipping and handling fees.

Orders take about 4-6 weeks to arrive in Singapore from the date of preorder closure.

2. Purchase Ready Stocks!

MerryLove keeps a little bit of extra stock for last minute brides. Orders can be mailed / delivered within 1 week of payment.

*MerryLove charges a S$3 handling fee per transaction, which pays for the order distribution arrangements such as postage and meet-ups.

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9 thoughts on “Ways to Shop”

  1. hi guys! i just missed the spree! able to order?!

  2. hai ! im interested in your bridal golves (victorian)
    and i know that the PO has been closed already 🙂
    are you opening the PO again?


  3. Hi, love all your handicrafts items- they r so creative!
    R u still taking orders for your paper poms poms other than white? How often do u update ur website with new handicrafts items?

    Thank you.

  4. Hi there,
    will the Garden Love Ring Pillow be available for the next spree as my wedding will be held in 2014 so would like to purchase it at a later stage. =)

    • Hey Cassandra, thanks for getting in touch! 🙂 As the Garden Love Ring Pillow is handmade by us, it largely depends on whether the craft supplies will still be available. We have already stopped accepting orders for this ring pillow at the moment, due to supply shortage. Do subscribe to our website for new updates! 🙂

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